Real Estate Agents Real Estate Agents
Jay and Kyle Mitchell Mitchell
Real Estate Agents
5145 Ocean Blvd.
Sarasota, Florida 34238
Phone: 941-586-1658
Cell: 941-586-1754
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Associate Broker Jay and Realtor Kyle Anne Mitchell are an incredible husband and wife Team at Coldwell Banker in the Sarasota area. We work very hard to help you in finding the perfect home or getting your home ready to put on the market. There are many qualities and skills that go into being an excellent real estate professional - integrity, in-depth community and market knowledge, marketing savvy, effective negotiation skills and a high-quality professional network, all of which are hallmarks of how we work. That said, in our experience as Sarasota real estate professionals for 16 years, we have also found that providing the very best service is essentially about putting our customers first. This means keeping ourselves accessible, being good listeners as well as good communicators and responding quickly to your needs. This "customer first" philosophy has always been our approach and it requires us to continually improve our skills and ways of doing business. In addition, we have found that the latest technologies are enabling us to do everything we have always done only much more quickly and efficiently. They've also helped us to extend the range of services we provide to our customers. We have been been Voted 5-Star Best in Client Satisfaction 2005-2019!! Jay is from Maryland and graduated from the University of Maryland. Kyle lived in Kentucky and graduated from Western Kentucky University. We moved from Atlanta, Ga. in 2003 after having Sold Real Estate in that market for many years. We regard you as Heroes and wish to give back to you as our gratitude by paying up to $500 for your Home Inspection or Home Warranty. We look forward to working with you soon!!